Youreka + Forms for Salesforce Integration

Integration built by Formstack
Integration built by Zapier

Youreka Integration with Forms for Salesforce

100% native to Salesforce, Youreka enables excellence in field service through mobile forms, guided assessments, inspections, and advanced mobile technology - online or offline, across key industries like manufacturing, utilities, energy, consumer business and healthcare.
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Integration Overview

Drag-and-Drop Templates - Build forms using 20 different question types, including barcode scanners, in minutes. Conditional Logic - Build guided, contextual forms that display or hide questions based on responses. Photos - Prompt your team to collect specific photos during their visit. Leverage AI image recognition to confirm compliance or suggest next steps. Field Mapping - Link parts of your Form to Salesforce fields and objects with a simple click. Update or create new records, even interact with related lists. Discoveries - Make everyone an expert and suggest the next best actions in real-time with Youreka Discoveries. A True Offline Solution - Youreka works offline on iOS and Android devices. Don't sacrifice functionality or user experience just because you're offline. Analytics & Workflow - Use Salesforce reports, dashboards, and workflows to fully tailor Youreka to your business

Partner Overview

Youreka is the no-code, go-to Salesforce Field Service partner and #1 Salesforce-native forms app that guides field workers through business processes and customer interactions to collect data in Salesforce for a single source of truth, online or offline in all field environments. Youreka’s dynamic interface ensures field workers are capturing mission-critical data and dynamically guiding your team through any situation. Beyond forms, Youreka Discoveries applies Artificial Intelligence in combination with Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action to empower team member recommendations on revenue opportunities, transferring knowledge while providing best-in-class service. Youreka, the Future of Field Work.

Use the integration to:

Easily create forms, assessments, verification checklists, surveys, maintain compliance, audits, mobile check ins, that can be used anywhere, online & offline.

What You Need

Salesforce Platform Cloud is required.

How It Works

Is your team using paper, PDFs, or spreadsheets in the field? Move your organization's Forms, Surveys and Checklists to Salesforce easily with Youreka. You can even add guidance, best practices, and reminders to Forms to improve consistent team performance.

Youreka Integration with Forms for Salesforce

100% native to Salesforce, Youreka enables excellence in field service through mobile forms, guided assessments, inspections, and advanced mobile technology - online or offline, across key industries like manufacturing, utilities, energy, consumer business and healthcare.
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Integration Overview

Partner Overview

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How It Works

Integration Overview

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Partner Overview

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